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This method offers a budget version of polished concrete where the concrete is ground to the desired aggregate exposure level. It is sealed with an appropriate sealer including the ability to add in a non-slip additive or colour. The final product depends greatly on the colour, size and regularity of the aggregate present in your concrete.

Natural Patina – This lightly grinds the surface of the concrete, making it smooth, ready for sealing. It does not have the durability of polished concrete.

Salt and Pepper – Grinding of the finished concrete surface to expose only the fine aggregates or sands within the concrete mix.

Hit and Miss – The floor is ground to expose more stone in a random pattern.

Full Grind – An Exposed Aggregate Finish is where a diamond grinder is used to expose the coarse aggregates within the concrete matrix. The concrete is ground between 3-5mm to expose the aggregate. The aggregates can be varied in size and colour depending upon their availability.

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